NEAR Meet: Bringing Web3 to the World – NEAR Protocol

NEAR Meet: Now Supporting Local and Regional Events Globally

December 15, 2021

The NEAR ecosystem is rapidly expanding on a truly global scale. Powered by Simple Nightshade’s super fast and low-gas fee transactions, developers are launching a wide variety of apps and experiences that will change the way we control our data, exchange money and goods, finance projects, and power the creator economy. 

NEARverse’s many virtual communities have been incredibly active and vital in sharing this vision. But to build a more successful, wide-reaching ecosystem, and to help users navigate the multiverse of blockchains, NEAR believes it’s also crucial to bring local IRL meetups to locations across the globe. 

Enter: NEAR Meet

With NEAR Meet, the Global Becomes Local

NEAR Meet is NEAR’s global program for local and regional meetup events. Our vision for these meetups is that they become spaces where locals and digital nomads from cities across the world can meet, share ideas, network, and collaborate on making Web3 a reality. 

By the end of 2022, we hope to have over 100 monthly NEAR Meet events. 

These sessions will empower local and regional contributors to successfully organize in-person meetups involving NEAR community members from around the world. We will also develop guilds and DAOs in strategic areas with emerging potential for the NEAR ecosystem. To that end, we will be experimenting with a multi-DAO structure that should help bring local and regional guilds together without introducing unnecessary bottlenecks.

If you’d like to attend a NEAR event, visit the NEAR Meet page

Become a NEAR Meet Organizer

In the NEAR Meet program, local and regional meetups will be organized by individuals in the Guilds and wider NEAR community. We intend to provide necessary resources to these individuals so that they can organize meaningful IRL experiences around the world. 

If you’re interested in coordinating events near your city, join our community of Guild leaders and contributors on Discord. Also, head over to the NEAR Meets Wiki, where you can find a wealth of resources on planning meetups.

Find a Meet Near You

NEAR Meet is a great place to start organizing events near you. Currently, there are 10 different NEAR Meet groups across 6 countries. Local and regional event coordinators, of course, are not required to use our Meetup. 

You can find a NEAR Meet right now in the following cities: New York City, San Francisco, London, Geneva, Lausanne, Zürich, Shanghai, Nairobi, Mombasa, Bangalore, Goa, Tulum, and more!

Watch the livestream from our first event in Switzerland:

Read blog posts and reports from events in Africa, organized by the Sankore Guild

Want to bring a NEAR Meet to a city near you? Check out the 3-step process outlined in this forum post, and feel free to reply there with any ideas or questions.

  1. Write a Forum Post
  2. Fill out this form
  3. Host a Meetup!

Definitely check out the NEAR Meetups wiki page for an evolving resource about organizing IRL events, and jump in our Discord to find support and get more involved. And please contact us at [email protected] if you need anything.

To help anyone learn how to successfully organize a NEAR Meet, we are hosting a webinar on Discord Sunday, December 19, followed by interactive group sessions in the NEAR My City Discord community, at the request of participating event coordinators!

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