Secure & simple onboarding

No seed phrase, no gas, no friction. Bring users on chain in seconds with FastAuth and Relayers.

FastAuth: Web3 applications, familiar login

Creating a crypto wallet is not for everyone. With FastAuth, leverage the power of Web3 without compromising on user experience.

A line drawing of a key hole and the near logo set behind the FastAuth sign-in window

Familiar login

Forget recovery phrases, FastAuth seamlessly links your users' emails directly to NEAR accounts.

One Digital ID

Your users only need one email for FastAuth account login or recovery across all devices and applications.

Simple & secure

FastAuth accounts are kept safe through multi-party computation (MPC) on a decentralized network.

Relayers: no crypto, no problem

Obtaining cryptocurrencies to pay for transactions is the main hurdle to Web3 adoption. Use relayers to cover costs for your users.

A line drawing of the Relayer pathway starting at the user, to the transaction with the developer, and the developer paying the gas fee to NEAR

Cover gas for your users

Let your users make transactions in NEAR without crypto by covering for their gas.

Set your limits

Easily configure a wide array of permissions and expenditure rules to keep your budget in line.

Native support

Relayers are based on meta-transactions, which are built-in at the protocol level.

Get ready to embrace mass adoption

No seed phrase, no gas. Bring users on chain in seconds with FastAuth and Relayers.

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