Case Study: Satori's Jeff Bissinger Talks NEAR Tasks for the Gig Economy – NEAR Protocol

Case Study: Satori’s Jeff Bissinger Talks NEAR Tasks for the Gig Economy

Case Studies
July 31, 2023

NEAR is a home to a number of amazing apps and projects. These developers, founders, and entrepreneurs are using NEAR to effortlessly create and distribute innovative decentralized apps, while helping build a more open web — free from centralized platforms. In these Case Study videos, NEAR Foundation showcases some of these projects. 

In the latest NEAR Foundation Case Study video, we hear from Jeff Bissinger, Product Manager at Satori. As a product team building innovative Web3 solutions, Satori is creating AI integrations that enable people to work with purpose. NEAR Tasks, which launched at Consensus 2023 in Austin, is one of Satori’s latest products. 

In this case study video, Jeff Bissinger takes viewers on a trip into NEAR Tasks — Satori’s effort to blend the gig economy with blockchain technology. With NEAR Tasks, users can earn $NEAR while completing simple, yet meaningful, AI related tasks. 

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